Friday, June 26, 2009

THE DAY !!!!!

I don't know why I'm sooooo nervous that I wanted to pee .......
I shouldn't......say that.......out loud should I ????
But I'm serious when I say that !!!!!!!
Last night , I slept at 11pm and woke up at around 3am and can't sleep after that ....

I got ready then went to school .AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH I'm was ssooooooo annoyed , I was busy getting all the stuff into my bag but my parents are busy sleeping . When I woke them up they just blinked and said that "why can't you worry about your upcoming PMR instead of this stupid event ? if you keep on being like this I won't allow you to go at all then you know" They just don't understand . This is one event that ..... I don't know me and my Friends work so hard without a teachers help , for the first time ..... Parents just don't understand ........

anyway where were I ???? oh yeah .
When I arrived at school , Hippie and Qis was already there . Well a few steps in front of me that is but still..... then we Yasmin came and all of us started making phone calls , after a few people arrived All of us went to our class despite being told to stay at the assembly hall . After a while , Yasmin started to do Syairah's hair ...... Suddenly firdaus barged in ...... good thing I didn't take off my Hijab (head scarf) . then we asked the boys to go out before Changing into our costumes .


I was really nervous that instead of talking like lightning , I walked like lightning ........ oh well , what's done is done ^^ . The bad side is My Best friend had a wedding but I wasn’t there to witness her most memorable day with her groom . oh well , I congratulated her and promised to come to their hose as soon as there is one ...... Then my brother showed up ... and the rest is history ...... Here are some pics .... enjoy ^^

THE DAY !!!!!

Sorry they are a bit Scrambled ...... get it ????

getting ready

Bored dudes


Sivic tomorrow

HAI YAH !!!!!!

I don't know why but that is the first word that came into my mind when I thought about Tomorrow . Well , you can't say that all of us are working our butts off but still I'm sooo excited ^^ maybe cause its the first time I am going to be a MODEL . The only time the word Aneessa and Modeling is in a sentence together is when there is the word ‘Detest’ in between not ‘is’ . Oh well ……

But there is something about a CERTAIN CLASS that makes me sooooooo Mad/Angry . that class not only paste fliers in each class but they also went to the Staff room and talked to all the teacher to come to their stall !!!!!! It annoyed me because well , I can honestly say that , that tactic not only disgusted me and Hippie (we were bored so we came into the staff room to get some ‘cool and Fresh’ air ^^ let’s keep it a secret okay ^^) but forced us to do the same thing . (it was Hippie’s plan) …. Then when we were rehearsing , the entire Class’ Class watched us and when they were rehearsing , the used the (almost) same performance !!!!!!!! It annoyed me so much !!!!!! I mean you can watch us practice but that is just WRONG and SICKENING and *********** (lots of gibberish which only Hippie can understand) I FREAKIN’ HATE THAT CLASS .

I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about right ???

Anyways , I better continue making those Fortune cookies …… and wash my face and get some beauty sleep (I don’t think I know me any more , I’m turning feminine !!!!!) Tomorrow is My time to SHINE (or Humiliate myself *gulp* ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weirdest Day EVER !!!

Like the tittle I'll tell you this . This is BY FAR the most WEIRDEST DAY EVER IN MY 15 YEAR OLD LIFE !!!!! and I heven't even turn 15 YET (birth day is on the 11th sep)!!!! Because this is the weirdest day , it has turned this into the weirdest week EVER !!!!

on tuesday , Dr. Faiz came to my school . I know that I like cute people and things and all that but he is just not the .... uh ..... kind of person I would go crazy for . Don't get me wrong but .... hey , thats what i think . I'm not one of the CRAZY people when everyone is CRAZY and that is Weired !!!!!!!!!!

as teacher Rosaliza likes to say , Back to the future ... Today I woke up ... actually happy and smiling even If I don't know why and Man It was FREAKIN me out !!!!
but this is not as weired as the next one ...

Firdaus , who for the past month didn't talk to me finally talk to me !!!!!! I was so supraised That when I gape (which I usually do when I'm supraised) was big enough to fit a plate (my inpression , not sure if its true but you get my point)I was sitting on my desk talking to Amni who was behind me . After discussing about the Project F.C (which stands for Fortune Cookie) I turned back to face the black board whe Firdaus Shoutd HI!!!! (as if I'm deaf) I was totally speachless . Hippie on the other hand was doing some exercises when she heard that and froze . Her eyes are HUGE like bugsy's from the movie bedtime stories .

In the library (where I usually spent most of my recesses) I was a bit too excited about the sivic project that I was REALLY REALLY REALLY HYPER !!!!!!!!! (and made a complete fool of my self infront of ....) .... Lesson learned ...... never go to the library till I've save enaugh money to buy a mask .

Faie Actually got the joke faster then I did !!!! When it was time to go home , I was waiting for ... no one actually I thought that I was SUPPOSED to walk home ... anyway , I met Razan and Faie . while we were just hangging out (literally, we don't really know what to talk about bacause all of us is in our own world) the was two boys who was argueing with each other . then suddenly , Faie and sarah wispered Fight, Fight , Fight while backing away slowly . I who was completely clueless joined them chanting 'fight' . then one of the boys walked towards us , shocked , Sarah said , "so did you guys watched the Movie fight last night ?" to cover up . Faie replied "oh , you mean the one with the princess and dragons and stuff ". since I was (as I said before clueless) I replied "What movie are you guys talking about ???" thankfully the guy had walked pass . Faiqah and Sarah just laughed .

After school , I have to go to Teacher Shima's B.M tution. FAIE WAS THERE . Usually , she would come late ..... I was shocked that was was standing froven at the door .

There are also tons of minor weired stuff but since It's really late and I'm sleepy so G'nite everybody , Harry is signing off ^^

Friday, June 19, 2009

ARCHIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Want to know something ?
I just saw This Vid when Archie was just a little boy !!!!
yet he still has the voice of an Angel *day-dreams* He is SOOOOOOOOOO ...... EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!

the good part is he is also not pervert (not sure how to use that word) and DROP DEAD HANDSOME (nothing and No one will beat him in Good looks and Angelic voice EVER !!!!!!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

...Noting to do *sigh*

I feel terrible today ..... and don't ask me why .... cause i don't know .... *sigh*

but when i look at my friends .... I don't know ,
They are much smarter and better the I am and I don't know why they want to waste their time hanging out wit someone as Stooopid as I am :(

Look at Sarah she is sooo calm and cool and also she doesn't care about anything (that includes studying). I know that that is not such a good thing but I envy her calmness in every situation . and she is pretty funny too . She is also very smart and know a bit about everything . If there is 3 people I can nominate as Scientists because of knowing lots of facts It would be Sarah , my 11 year old little brother and Firdaus .... All of them are soooooo .... uh .... FACT-tastic ^^.

Faie , She is the smartest among all of my best friends . Of course there are lots of others who are smarter the she is but The thing about her that i envy is that she will always want to make the best about things ... she is always optimistic and ready with a word or two to cheer you up ,(if she knows your sad that is) . I also envy her will to make her self better also cause she will always try to listen to any one's problems ... even If she doesn't understand anything .

Maisarah , well I know she looks like someone who is always moody , but she has a good heart and well.... I don't know What I will do without her .... She knows when I'm lying that I'm just fine or when I feel like killing someone . But at the end of the day she will always manege to make me laugh someway or the other . She is also very smart at guessing what other people is feeling (I mean their facial expression) mostly because she is always quite and observing people all the time . I used to be like that when I was in primary school but then I met Farhana (a friend of mine who is in Batu Pahat).

I know Your gonna be surprised If I mentioned the next person who i envy .... Want to know who ? well If you must know ..... It's Izzati . I don't know , Izzati Is a good friend . She likes to talk alot (but I don't really mind because I love to hear people talking to me) but that's not It , the thing envy about her is another surprise.... Her art ... I know I don't know why (other then the fact that I like everyone art ) but Izzati unlike me has a really rough hand . Whenever she draws , It will look the same and really .... I can't seem to find the word but you get my point . and Now finally , her drawings have improved .... ALOT !!! Its wayyyyyy more cuter then It was before . She manage to soften up her hand to draw . She has told me that she wanted to stop drawing may times but can't ..... and I hope you won't because i like your Not giving up attitude and always practising .... now I wish that I was you.

There is also Aisyah's Gang (Frida , Cik Elli and Aisyah) Cik is quite small but really cute . she is Great with everybody and like to smile alot and make funny expressions . Frida is the medium type . She is a fan of MCR (just like me , a bit ) and Guitar Hero . The only girl and the second youngest in her family , (I think ...) Likes to make stupid jokes .

lastly Aisyah (3 Ter) She likes to draw (like me) and Is a big fan of Japanese music . I like her Drawing is because , every one of her character has a personality . It means she knows how to draw to make her drawings look full of characteristics and emotions even If they don't show it . (she likes to draw smiling pictures , even if the picture is trying to kill her self which is really creepy). I like Aisyah's view in art . "Its the way people imagine things around them and trying to express them through a paper , It may not look exactly like what they imagined sometimes but that what practising is for and since art is subjective you can draw 4 fingers on a character if you want to , Heck draw 10 fingers on each hand if you can lah and still people can't tell you that your wrong" well no wonder because other then to the people who she is really close to , Aisyah is one of the quite type , the opposite of both Cik Elli and Frida .

The point I'm trying to mention is that , all there if those lovely girls is that all of them doesn't really care about what other people thinks about them and is really confident about doing something .

This last one is really really surprising that I'm sure you would faint If you read this ....

I really really Envy ......... Firdaus .
I'm pretty sure your wondering why considering that I'm always angry at the dude . well , Even If he is annoying , stubborn and really , really , really BIG pain in the Head but to tell you the truth is that I'm really jealous of him , He is OVERLY talented in drawing , He can draw serious cartoons to really really cute ones to anime based cartoons ... He Is really a talented artist even if he likes to point out your weaknesses and really sarcastic . He also has a very high pain tolerance considering what he is going through . And to top It all off , he has the same interest about Facts like Sarah and Wasseef . He also likes to find out people's secrets well , That's okay I guess considering that I myself Can't hear the word secret or else i will go berserk ^^ . I know that he Is annoying and has a head as hard as a Rock but hey , So am I .

I'm not sure how many people maneged to finish reading this but well Some of the facts here is based on what I think if the person and may not be even 5o% accurate ...

Thank YOU ^^

Taylor Swift - The way I loved you


He is sensible and so incredible
and all my single friends are jealous
he says everything I need to hear and it's like
i couldn't ask for anything better
he opens up my door and i get into his car
and he says you look beautiful tonight
and i feel perfectly fine

but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
and it's 2am and i'm cursing your name
you're so in love that you act insane
and that's the way I loved you
breakin' down and coming undone
it's a roller coaster kinda rush
and I never knew I could feel that much
and that's the way I loved you

he respects my space
and never makes me wait
and he calls me exactly when he says he will
he's close to my mother
talks business with my father
he's charming and endearing
and I'm comfortable

but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
and it's 2am and i'm cursing your name
you're so in love that you act insane
and that's the way I loved you
breakin' down and coming undone
it's a roller coaster kinda rush
and I never knew I could feel that much
and that's the way I loved you

he can't see the smile I'm faking
and my heart's not breaking
cause I'm not feeling anything at all
and you were wild and crazy
just so frustrating intoxicating
complicated, got away by some mistake and now

but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
and it's 2am and i'm cursing your name
I'm so in love that I acted insane
and that's the way I loved you
breakin' down and coming undone
it's a roller coaster kinda rush
and I never knew I could feel that much
and that's the way I loved you oh, oh

and that's the way I loved you oh, oh
never knew I could feel that much
and that's the way I loved you

Friday, June 12, 2009


Firstly If you don't know what Archangles are ,well let me explain it briefly ... They are mad girls (and rarely guys) who are Mad about David Archuleta .

Secondly , Yeah ... So what If I'm and archAngle ? Got a problem with that ??? but hey so Is Maisarah ....

anyway ... did you know Archie (another of David archuleta's nick name which is as cute as the guy) had made a new single ? Its called Zero Gravity ... I've listen to the song for about .... 20 times ++ today ^^ Its so..... I don't know .... Archuleta likey ^^....

well you know what they say .... once an archangel , always an archangle

Here's the Lyrics of David's New single ^^

Tell me what you did to me
Just there beneath my feet
Didn't even notice we were miles above the ground
I'm not afraid of heights
We crashed into the sky
Didn't know that I could feel the way that I do now

I'm not asking for an explanation
All I know is that you take me away
And you show me how to fly

Nothing brings me down when you're around
It's like zero gravity
The world just disappears when you're here
It's zero gravity
When things get messed up
You lift my head up
And I get lost in the clouds
There's no sense of time with you and I
It's zero gravity

The edges fade away
'Till there's no more shades of gray
You only have to whisper anything at all
You opened up my eyes
You turned my lows to highs
And it's the only way that I know how to fall

Not gonna analyze and try to fight it
Don't even care if it makes no sense at all
'Cause with you I can fly

Nothing brings me down when you're around
It's like zero gravity
The world just disappears when you're here
It's zero gravity
When things get messed up
You lift my head up
And I get lost in the clouds
There's no sense of time with you and I
It's zero gravity

Nothing brings me down when you're around
It's like zero gravity
The world just disappears when you're here
It's zero gravity
When things get messed up
You lift my head up
And I get lost in the clouds
There's no sense of time with you and I
It's zero gravity

Know What .... I've heard that there is an Offical web site for Archangels ...
and also that david's releasing another album ... It's just rumours of course but still you will never know ^^

Friday, June 05, 2009

A poem of sadness and Friendship (can't decide)

hey , I know , a few weeks has passed since I last updated my blog ...
but what can I say ? I've been busy with work and such...hi hi hi ^^

I don't know how to explain how I'm feeling right now so here goes everything....

staring out the window
when it rained and snow
through the storm through the rain
trying to cure my pain

I feel like breaking down
I screamed but there is no sound
I'm lost but can't be found
nothing can turn this around

I tried to smile ,
but it only lasted for a while ,
underneath my cheerful ways ,
Is some one who's been crying for days ,

I may seem strong
I may be tough
but I'm still soft all along
I'll admit with a laugh

but I'm grate full to have
so many trusted friends
who will be there with a laugh
and ready to lend their helping hands

you may think of me
as 'just friends'
but to me you are spacial
my spacial BEST FRIEND

Now I'm found
safe and sound
you guys had turned this thing around
but now , your world's upside down

so remember my story
the things that I say
when you feel sorry
and your world turns to grey

there is someone who is waiting
smiling and waving
always there to help you
do what you need to do

even if ...
It's someone unexpected ^^

WOW now I feel soooooooo much better ^^