Thursday, April 23, 2009

International book day...

Yesterday is soooooo........... tiring !!!!!
I made some new friends , got some new books to read , a pain on my foot and ........ awesome comical pics for my Camera !!!!! apart from being tired (I slept at 8:30 and woke up at 6:30am and miss isya' prayer !!!!!) and all It was a drop-dead awesome day !!!!!

I arraived at school a bit late (long story short , I was too excited the day before so I slept late , woke up late) . I was a bit confused on what to do at first . as usual I waited for Aisyah to arrive and rode to school with my big fat bag that has and will always make me look like a giant galapos tortise !!!! but istead of books that I have never used for decades since I was born , it was filled with usefull stuff today like ..... some spare clothes , my 'telekung' and all my other junk that i would say usefull (if I ever use them that is). I'm Going on a trip to DBP (dewan Bahasa and Pustaka) and also PWTC (to be honest , I don't really know what PWTC stands for)

I met Anis , Syairah and Hanina and the rest .... the sad thing is my girlfriend (just joking) Adriana is in the afternoon trip WAAAAAAAA ...... I'm all alone .... every one has partners except me , It is so sad ...... oh well , as my motto goes 'don't have a friend , make new ones' so I dosen't bother me (much).

After all the attendance check and all the other fuss , we are finally on our way to ... Teng Teng Teng..... DBP ! In the bus (as I said before , make new friends) I made two new friends , Khairil and Kak Husna (both in form 5, what can I say , I'm universal ^^) . Kak Fatiah (ops, sorry) Fatiah sat behind me next to Khairil wwhile I sat next to Kak Husna . Firdaus sat next to Airil , Luqman next to Muimin (I forgot the dudes name) Amri next to Ikmal , Hanina (as expected)next to Syairah and Anis , Syaira , Noari and Ayu sat to gather at the back . Pn. Hana had talked about going to Pulau Tioman to ONLY PMR students

after getting to know my new friends we arrived at the DBP . I walked along side Kak Husna and sat next to Khairil and Kak Emma (who arrived in the second bus) the good thig is , my place has a great view of ..... the contestents (ehem...ehem...) hahaha (joking lah !) Me and Khairil , Kak Emma , kak Fatiah discussed about some Korean bands and stuff (I know , I can't believe that I'm starting to like Korean songs) , I heared a sound behind me .... I turned around aand guess what it was ... no it was not Ikmal and hafizuddin (they were sitting behind Kak Emma) .... it was someone behind them .... sound asleep and ... SNORING !!!! I had to hide my loud laugh .

After a while , being tha Hyper active girl that i am , I got bored of sitting around and decided too walk around alittle bit and follow my class mates . we walked up and down the DBP and round and round . We found this Dull book shop that Sells book as thick as dictionaries and worse all about the boring stuff . You know politics and all .

after that we ate and waited somemore , I walked around the building with firdaus (who is such a grumpy pants) and begged the teacher to go to PWTC early ...
finally after years of waiting , we finally et to go to PWTC early WWWWOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
(to be continued...)


sh said...

P : x ingat, haha
W : World
T : Trade
C : Centre