Tuesday, November 17, 2009

last day of school and other woes...

well yesterday IS the last day of school for all us lower secondary school students and I've got to admit its not as happy/sad as it used to be...


you know how I always have this song stuck in my head according to my mood ?
well right now its Paramaore-ignorence...

If I'm a bad person , you don't like me ...
well I guess I'll make my own way...

keep poping in and out of my head, and also these lyrics,

well this is the best thing,
that could've happen,
any longer , I wouldn't have made it ,
It's not a war no ,
its not a repture ,
I'm just a person but you can't take it...

well... Its kinda how I feel right now... sigh

O.K breath in .... out ....
yesterday is the last day of school , now I'm stuck at home with nothing to do ....
with only my thoughts for company ....
BORING !!!!!!

anyways , nothing to write so....
See ya guys...