Sunday, February 07, 2010

...nothing to do ^^

Wwow , i got my Lappy back ^^
YEAY !!!!

confused ???

hahaha , Well my laptop was taken away from me by my parents ....
sad isn't it ???
tonnes of things has come and go like my friends , the Larian 7 (the cross-country race around my school) , my principle's ...uh.... retirement party , and tonnes of things. and I'm starting to get lots of friends in my class ... noth boys and girls ^^

well I want to talk about an assignment my English teacher gave us , It is about L-O-V-E , yes love... I wrote a poem on love and my pet , family and friends but now I'll write a different love poem ... hope you like it...

I sat there in my room ,
thinking what to write ,
then I thought of you ,
and the way you gave me,
good dreams at night .

you had always mades me laugh,
spending time with you was never enough,
you gave me butterflies ,
when you looked at me with those eyes ,

Your were the fire that inspired me to draw,
the fire that kept me warm,
that feeling I so adore,
kept me safe in a thunder storm,

The warm nights used to remind me of you,
when the cool breeze touched my face,
I'd be thinking if you'd felt the same way too,
cuz' love is like a rollercoster race ,

Love makes my heart beat faster ,
It makes my breath dissapear ,
when ever you came closer ,
I wish that were like this forever ...

I love you but you left me hoping,
for something that's impossible,
I love you but you left me hangging ,
and makes me feel invincible...

Now you ment nothing to me,
just another love struct puppy ,
falling for the soul mate that you have found,
but what goes around , comes around...

\ \(^o^) (what a LOSER)