Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Of Oreos and Blue cheese :D

Its been a busy day...
hmm.... not really , I even slept in class... (shh....lets keep his as our secret k ?? ;) )

First of all...
I felt really emo today...
not emotional as in Cry, cry , cry all the time...
just a bit dark , quiet and most of all creepy...


we got lectured by a guest in our school... It was pretty cool... I guess...
kinda funny but thats just it...

then there was a meeting for all the houses in my school (Yellow , Red , Green , Blue)
Me and Sarah is in the yellow house...

And guess what ???
Sarah is also moody , Just like me ^^
well you know what they say ,
"Misery Loves company" ^^

then when we were sitting on the road*
some one threw a rock (more like a pebble) at Sarah...
Which annoys her alot...
she said...

"Which F***ing Idiot threw a stone at me ?!?!"

I only shook my head..
then as I was turning around to talk to Sarah ,
Some one threw a rock at me...

"OKay , Which Freakin Moron threw the stone at me ?!?!?!"
(Note: if you don't know me then I'll be more then happy to inform you that , I don't use/say/write/type bad words ^^ Thank you ^^)

then I looked around at the boys section....
There he is !!!!
the culpirit was a Form 3 student...
and he is throwing stones at everyone in the perimetre =.="
What a .... uh.... (thinking of a word to say) ... hmm... ask Sarah ^-^

the I worked at the Library , even when I felt really ill...
but jobs are jobs right ?


after spending 3 hours in the Library , I went to check out some frineds who are helping out the teachers on the PA system (what PA stands for ?? hmm... Dunno... )

Poor Muaz , he was sitting alone...bored and sweaty :P
His partner in crime , Adi still hasn't come yet , (due to un-mentionable circumstances :P)

After the whole 'Party'
I finally got home...

at home after doing my loads of chores...
I felt really hungry and thirsty
SO I ate some Oreos ^^

and had some of my brothers Blue Cheese :D
They were really YUMMY !!! (but the blue cheese was a BIT stinky...)

hmmm... No matter how hard and tiring your day is,
A packet of Oreos and some Blue Cheese can make it all better =D

*We were gathered in front of my schools workshop , and since there isn't much cement on the hall way , we sat on the Tar Road (something) .... =.="


MuaZ said...

i see my name !!