Thursday, November 19, 2009

The good things in my life...(so far)

Okay , I'm really sorry about my last gloomy post ...
to make it up to you guys , I've decided to write about happier times ...
Hmmm... lets see...

You know this whole year is the most happening year of all...
wanto know why ? well firstly I knew a HUGE secret from a friend of mine .
I can't tell you guys cause its not mine so ... sorry...

secondly well I used to be the quiet , rebellious girl (and still am sometimes) but I managed to Change , a little which is a big deal ^^ . Now I can talk all day long and still make an Idiot of my self .... Oh well , some things never change ^^

thirdly well , I dunno maybe cause this year I know I have lots of admirers (*blush* he he he), seriously >,< ! well I'm kinda shocked with some of them though ... ut still ... I'm kinda wondering why on earth would someone like , like me... I don't think that I'm attractive or anything... I don't care about my appearence , I sometimes act like a boy , my clothes are well ... really messy and most of all I like to make 'the angry' face (I call it that because I pretend to be angry when I'm not). Acaemicly ? not at all smart ....

oh well... lets just leave it at that *wink* he he he...

Lots of activeties this year...
people are mostly studying for our big exam but not me ... what am I doing (other then sleeping and drawing) I helped teachers at school (to get out of classes) and joining extra curricular actevities....(I'm not the least bit supraised if I didn't get 8A's for my exam...sigh...)

what else ???

I know !!!
I finally got the courage to ... the person I like ....
even If its just a "ab...ah...h...h..hi....HI!"
well i know , pretty pathetic but I can't help it !!!
I'm shy to death ... Hippie said my face looked like a tomato ready to burst because I'm blushing sooo furiously....
oh well better luck next time -_-*