Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I was thinking...

Hey there ...
you know how my school ha sended right ???
well and you know how much I like to day dream and stuff...(when you see I'm smiling when I'm all alone is when I'm day dreaming ... of hyper whichever comes first) anyway here is the list of things that I day dreamed of today ... yes I actually got diligent enough to actually jot down what I was ACTUALLY thinking in this ACTUAL day !!!!!!! (actually thats a bit to much actual isen't it ???)

1)What the ?!?
I just woke up , I'm trying to anilisy what I was dreaming last night and what day it was today and all the usual facts...

2)What to do today...
well It IS the holidays remember ... well what to do ??? go back to sleep ? draw ? read a book ? Draw ? bake something and finish it my self ? so many questions ..... after hearing my stomach grumble ... I finaly decided to EAT... funny ... I never thought of eating ... *shrug*

3)What to eat
Cereal ? oatmeal ? nothing ? (my stomach disagree an the last thought)

4)what my friends are doing...
Sarah ? probobly sleeping and so is Alia and Nana ... Faie ? maybe of to work ... Mai ? No Clue... Daus? I don't wanna know... my future hubby ??? I wonder ....

5)what I'm doing if I'm at school...
probobly not bathing my cat thats for sure ...

6) future hubby ^^
what IS he doing right now....

7)wish I'm...
at school , having something to do ... hanging out with my BFFs (Best Freakish Friends)...having a laptop and playing games , online facebook/myspace ... updating my blog . ect

8)future hubby (again) ^^
I wonder what he is doing NOW.....probobly thinking of ME !!!
LOL !!!!! (no doubt ^^)

9)the last time I hung out with...
my BFFs , library Crew (my fellow Librarians or Libbys as I like to call them) my future hubby *blush* *blush* and Daus ... (why am I thinking of him???? EEEWWWWWWWW)

10) things...
Funny things (I'll smile) , sad things (I'll bit my lip) , embarassing things (I'll blow my cheeks to stop them from blushing) and things I wish that would happen .... (hmmm.... I'll think I want a pure white wedding dress ^^)

I can drive , I won't have to cycle to Faies house , If I can have superpowers it would be mind reading and telecanysis .... so COOL ^^

12)future hubby....
I miss you ... do you miss me ???
(of course , who wouldn't right ?)

got to go now ... bye!!!