Sunday, June 06, 2010

Moving ??

Well the title is actually half right...
I'm moving to a new room today ...
my brothers are getting to big for their room and since I'm the only girl...
yeah you'd guessed it...
the ol'switch-a-roo

I'm one of those person that thinks my room is my own personal space , I hate the thought of someone entering my room and move anything or whatever ... It's not like I'm aneat freak or something (no offence) , Its actually the opposite ...My rooms a mess... It looked like a tornado hat hit or a rats nest (by my mom's standards) anyway but I just like it the way it is...

I can find things ... I know where I placed them ..Even if it looks like a mess to you but to me its actually a complicated yet organized and simple system in which I can place things and still find them in less the 30 seconds ...
you may not know how to find things in the 'Mess' but I can ...
Its the freedome of decorating your room ...

Okay back to the story... ( I always seem to stray away from the main topic don't I ? :) )
anyway , There I was , going back and forth carrying stuff from my ex-room to 'my' new room...
I kept thinking about all the good times there was in my room , like the time me and my friends had a sleep-over and we ended up sleeping at 3 (hey wait that is at my friends house =.=") , and the time I got my computer...I got home and its there ...:') and the 2 sleepless nights I spend making a mural on the walls of my room... I made it from a can of sky blue paint , a small can of night sky blue paint and a whole lot of love ... now its in the other room and no longer mine... (its my very first and sucessfull one too *sniff* )

sigh.... I'm quite sad today... and while I was cleaning and ...throwing some of my beloved treasures away , I had found some of the things that reminded me of the past 4 and 5 and evev 10 years of my life... I found some of the sketchings when I'm in kindergarten , primary school (yeah , I really love to draw , Back then I used to get scolded for drawing on the biggest , whitest and perfect drawing thing of all...thats right...the wall of my entire house :D ) I had saw the paper me and Hippie had drew on last yer when she lost her voice (that and because I'm terrible at sherades .... ham am I suppose to know that carrying air into your mout meand that she wanted some of my water =.=" ) and even pictures of me and my friends when we are in primary school...

sigh .. how time flew...
Wish I'm back at kindergarten with my Friends and climbing tree with your skirts and don't care a darn thing... oh well ... Its like 1:41 am here and I still have to clean my room and get up early tomorrow... sooo...Nite2 ^^

1:41 am

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sports day...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Of Oreos and Blue cheese :D

Its been a busy day...
hmm.... not really , I even slept in class... (shh....lets keep his as our secret k ?? ;) )

First of all...
I felt really emo today...
not emotional as in Cry, cry , cry all the time...
just a bit dark , quiet and most of all creepy...


we got lectured by a guest in our school... It was pretty cool... I guess...
kinda funny but thats just it...

then there was a meeting for all the houses in my school (Yellow , Red , Green , Blue)
Me and Sarah is in the yellow house...

And guess what ???
Sarah is also moody , Just like me ^^
well you know what they say ,
"Misery Loves company" ^^

then when we were sitting on the road*
some one threw a rock (more like a pebble) at Sarah...
Which annoys her alot...
she said...

"Which F***ing Idiot threw a stone at me ?!?!"

I only shook my head..
then as I was turning around to talk to Sarah ,
Some one threw a rock at me...

"OKay , Which Freakin Moron threw the stone at me ?!?!?!"
(Note: if you don't know me then I'll be more then happy to inform you that , I don't use/say/write/type bad words ^^ Thank you ^^)

then I looked around at the boys section....
There he is !!!!
the culpirit was a Form 3 student...
and he is throwing stones at everyone in the perimetre =.="
What a .... uh.... (thinking of a word to say) ... hmm... ask Sarah ^-^

the I worked at the Library , even when I felt really ill...
but jobs are jobs right ?


after spending 3 hours in the Library , I went to check out some frineds who are helping out the teachers on the PA system (what PA stands for ?? hmm... Dunno... )

Poor Muaz , he was sitting alone...bored and sweaty :P
His partner in crime , Adi still hasn't come yet , (due to un-mentionable circumstances :P)

After the whole 'Party'
I finally got home...

at home after doing my loads of chores...
I felt really hungry and thirsty
SO I ate some Oreos ^^

and had some of my brothers Blue Cheese :D
They were really YUMMY !!! (but the blue cheese was a BIT stinky...)

hmmm... No matter how hard and tiring your day is,
A packet of Oreos and some Blue Cheese can make it all better =D

*We were gathered in front of my schools workshop , and since there isn't much cement on the hall way , we sat on the Tar Road (something) .... =.="

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

:'( (longest post ever ^^)

Its a sad day.... Its the day when the second wave of the seperations begin ...

The friends that we have spent time with for the past...who knows how long...are finally spreading their wings and are flying away...

it seem just like yeasterday when we first met...and the times we spent togather was like ages ago.... now your finally moving a new life and a new begining... I know you won't forget us here and the memories that we share... But hope you can look back when you are there... to the time when we were laughing under the sun.. to the time that everything was fun... to the lessons that we have learn... the trust that we have earn... the memories that can never ever be forgotten...
Best giler main ngan diorg...
meeting :P
LIPAAAS!!!!! kelakar giler mase nie ^^

Perkhwainan Razan .... :') ....I'm soooo happy for her :')

AMIR JELES !!!!! >:P

Sunday, February 07, 2010

...nothing to do ^^

Wwow , i got my Lappy back ^^
YEAY !!!!

confused ???

hahaha , Well my laptop was taken away from me by my parents ....
sad isn't it ???
tonnes of things has come and go like my friends , the Larian 7 (the cross-country race around my school) , my principle's ...uh.... retirement party , and tonnes of things. and I'm starting to get lots of friends in my class ... noth boys and girls ^^

well I want to talk about an assignment my English teacher gave us , It is about L-O-V-E , yes love... I wrote a poem on love and my pet , family and friends but now I'll write a different love poem ... hope you like it...

I sat there in my room ,
thinking what to write ,
then I thought of you ,
and the way you gave me,
good dreams at night .

you had always mades me laugh,
spending time with you was never enough,
you gave me butterflies ,
when you looked at me with those eyes ,

Your were the fire that inspired me to draw,
the fire that kept me warm,
that feeling I so adore,
kept me safe in a thunder storm,

The warm nights used to remind me of you,
when the cool breeze touched my face,
I'd be thinking if you'd felt the same way too,
cuz' love is like a rollercoster race ,

Love makes my heart beat faster ,
It makes my breath dissapear ,
when ever you came closer ,
I wish that were like this forever ...

I love you but you left me hoping,
for something that's impossible,
I love you but you left me hangging ,
and makes me feel invincible...

Now you ment nothing to me,
just another love struct puppy ,
falling for the soul mate that you have found,
but what goes around , comes around...

\ \(^o^) (what a LOSER)


Friday, January 22, 2010

busy busy busy busy

22nd January 2010


this year is getting extreamly busyy...not just for me but every one in form 4.... and to make it worse , its just the end of the 3rd week of school !!!!

homeworks piling up , jobs waiting to be done ... and so on ....


pretty sure I'm gonna be bald at the end of the year...either because they fell off or because I pulled them out ^^ LOL!!!

anyways I've got to go ... tonnes of things waiting to be done ^^ till then , see ya !!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


21th January 2010

YAY!!!! first post in 2010!!! happy belated new year everyone ^^
LOL !!!1 long has it been since i last updated my blog ???
well 3 months, I think ?
The same time I haven't wash my shoes ^^
anyway no more stupid jokes ^^...

Okay I'm in like form 4 now and honestly its really tiring =.="
tonnes of homework... new friends...your peeps moving away to a better resposibility the usual...but what I want to share with you guys is when people are moving away and you are not gonna see them as often as you used too.

seperations are and will always happen to us no matter where we are... either in body or soul...
we are just human and people will come and go in our lives...but it hurts more when the people moving away is your best friend or close friends...people who had shared their thoughts with you...people who spent hours and hours to no end casually chatting around with you...those who meant alot to you are even just friends who you barely knew but like them anyways...

I know how much you wanted them to stay so that you can have your 'normal' lives again but we both know that is not gonna happen...I know I'm not much of an advisor or even someone smart but my advise to you is that if you really love them as your friends...even something a bit more... you will let them go...its best for both of you...I know that sounds cliche but its true... I myself aren't good with seperations...I am known to miss someone I met at camp for only 3 days... =)

but as time goes on , those seperated will find new people ,friends but no matter where they go or where they are... I'm sure that you still have a special place for them in your hearts where no matter what happens... shall be one can completely steal away friendship . I'm pretty sure one day in the future when you meet again ... you'll remember :

the moments you have shared,
the words that were spoken ,
the times you were there,
and the memories that can't be forgotten...

P/s: LOL...I wrote this cuz I will be seperated with my friends as well... I will miss you guys a lot ^^