Sunday, January 18, 2009

My idol

This is my second entry ,
well since my english teacher is the one who made it possible for me to surf the internet so , this entry is dedicated to her and since the first topic in our english text book is about famous personalities and people that we admire , so I'm gonna write about my Idol . My idol , is the late Steve Irwin .

I like to watch Steve Irwin’s show , the crocodile hunter . It shows that we can't just hope other people to do something we can do . like the saying 'people always thought about changing the world , but none thought about changing oneself ' It means that how can we change the world if we cant change our self first ?

He also showed me that sometimes the only way we can get the job done is on the field and experience it first hand . It maybe easier to work in a lab where we will be surrounded by equipments and stuff . But if we are out there in the field , we can gain more information about the animal and gain invaluable experience .

Unfortunately , this great man died on 4th September 2006 (my brothers birthday) . He left his wife Terri and 2 children . His daughter , Bindi is starting to follow her father’s footsteps .

I hope one day I can be just like him and help save the animal kingdom . I know that I am just a kid and the things that we can do are little and limited . But then again the littlest thing can make a big difference . for example don’t litter , and recycle the stuff that we don’t use , plant a tree around your house . GO GREEN !!!!

Besides , green is the new Black right *wink*

wow , Its already 2:22 Am !!!! I better get some shut eye *Yawn* Good night ...or better yet , Good morning !!!!!!


Sunshine said...

Great Entry! Keep on writing. I also loved that show 'Crocodile Hunter'.