Friday, January 23, 2009

my Fave Cartoon/Novel

Okay , since teacher wanted us to write about our fave cartoon or novel . I think I'll write about my fave novel .

My fave novel happens to be the Warriors Saga series . Have you ever heard about those novels ? there are 6 books (not including other warrior series) . The Novels are written by Erin Hunter . Erin Hunter is not you average woman , in fact , she's not your average women . confused ? thought so . actually (not sure how to spell) Erin Hunter is not a woman but 3 wonderfull womens . They are Cherith Baldry ,Kate Gary and Victoria Holmes .I would like to talk more about the authors but then if I do , I would stray away from the homework and topic right ? *wink*

Okay , the warrior series is about 4 clans that lives in a forest . Each clan is made up of a leader , a deputy , warriors , apperentices and kits (all of them are cats) . there are riverclan whoes cats can swim the most swiftly . Windclan cats who run the fastest . ThunderClan cats that are can adapt to their new surroundings more quickly then others and Shadowclan has cats with egoes that are bigger then their bodies .

P/s: since its so long , I had just delete most of it ...