Friday, August 28, 2009

New Moon !!!!!!

I just watched the twilight: New moon Trailer 2 and Taylor lautner is soooooo *drools*

watch it !!!! seriously !!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mai/ Hippie/ Monkey

This is a post I totally dedicate to My Best Monkey-like friend (Oops.... Did I just say/Type that OUT LOUD?)

Maisarah binti Mohd Nazary .
we have been doing things together since form 2 , I met her In form 1...

I'll admit that she is such a good friend ... what am I saying , She is a GREAT friend !!!! she is a good listener , she gave good advice and she understands my language (both of us speaks crazy , didn't you know ?)

but the thing that annoys me about her is that , I can't pretend ... not that I like to pretend , sometimes I like to pretend that I'm actually having a nice day but she could see right through me !!!!
oh well were here to celebrate BFFs day of the world which is today !!!!
what is better then remembering your BFF for today but she is one of the 5 of my BFF ...

maybe I'll write about all my other friends soon enough ^^

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Librarians that I know and Love

Yup ...
I'm now officially a Librarian (since I'm such a lazy butt I'll just call it a Liby for Librarian)

Today is Tuesday , but its a holiday so I usually think of what I would do at school and at this case being a Liby. well actually , all of us Form 3 students are suppose to stay at home and study but Me and Hippie are at the library cuz' were kinda (ehem...) lazy to stay home and study ....

in the library , so far I've known 4 form 4 students ...

Kak Eleena:
she is one funny and crazy form 4 . She is really outgoing and sporting . I love being friends with her ... she is one of the first liby that I know and love ...
hi hi hi ^^

kak Fateen:
She is really beautiful , I'll tell you that ! ! !
she loves to read novels and is really sweet , kind and just friendly. even if she is bit quiet...

ahhh.... Thaqif , he is one funny dude ...
don't have much to tell about him though ....
but all I know is that he can be pretty strict and quiet ...
either way I still like being friends with him though....
oh and he is Tariq's twin

he is really funny !!
and really friendly and outgoing ....
to tell you the truth , I don't really know what to write about him...
sorry Boss if your reading this ...
(I don't expect you too)

So in a Nutshell , I still love being friends with them each with their own unique personality and style ^^
oh well , duty awaits ^^...

P/s : since I've just met them I don't really know them that well , this is my first impression of them ... hope you guys aren't mad at me or anything :(

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm Hurt....

You want to know something...

there is this girl in school (I'll trying not to be too specific)

I'm SOOOOO mad at her !!!!!

She is Such a Drama queen !!!

everything that i want she wants it too !!!!!


then in the end she will get the 'thing' while I will just stand in the corner and TRY to be happy for her !!!!!!

I'm so sick of being soo happy for others while I'm actually broken up inside !!!!


It has been happening since she moved here ....

I'm really sad ....

oh well look out world ...

the mask I'm wearing is gonna fool all of you so...

HAH !!!!

but the truth is I also like to see others happy , even if it means hurting myself ....

so be happy , even if I'm not ...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last day for ....

It was the last day of the semester and also the last day of syaa'ban . I was really bored in class , not that Hippie (maisarah) was boring and all , It's mostly because well , do you notice that me and Hippie , never ran out of things to say , well , we did ran out of things to say and we were both really quiet ... then we decided to play a game called truth (used to be called truth or dare but since everyone kept choosing truth so...) we spin a pencil and the 'lucky' participant will get the opportunity to be asked any questions and we have to answer it truthfully . I played that game with Hippie , Nurin and Anis . the questions they ask is soo hard , not the average , "who do you like" questions ..... well what do you expect from two N.Gs (naturally geniuses).

after that we got ready to go home . i met up with Faie and Eleena . Faie offered to give me a ride home so I accepted (obviously !) but I don't know where or why or how , I suddenly got a sudden burst of energy and shouted goodbye and happy 'Puasa' to everyone I know including the Seniors who I don't even know their names !!!! I was waiting outside gate B and since most students I know went through that gate It wasn't long before I was out of breath . I was smiling like a lunatic and my face was as red as a tomato with all the excitement (and the sun was shining down on us so ... yeah) ... I don't even know how or why , can't be because the holidays are coming , cuz' I hate holidays ! oh well at least no one looked at me like a totall FREAK , but some did smile and looked at me as if I've lost my mind ...

Wow , I'm so Weired ^^
oh well my weirdness is what makes me unique ^^

Happy Days ^^

Hey Hey !!!
I'm at school with crazy ol' Hippie (and as usual she is driving me Insane !!!!)
anyways ,

trials over and so is Syaa'ban .
So here comes Ramadhan
so get ready to fast
but It won't last
so will PMR
which isn't quite far
but no worries ,
we'll be just fine ^-^

ha ha ha

I wrote that spontaniously ...
awesome innit ?
I'm sooo Happy ^^
cuz' I'm Harry
with my pal' Hippie !
(who is crazier then a monkey)

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah by Aly and Aj

I like this cheerful song ... so cheerful ^^

Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah by Aly and Aj


My oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way

Mister bluebird on my shoulder
It's the truth
It's actual
Everything is satisfactual

Wonderful feeling
Wonderful day



My oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way

Mister bluebird on my shoulder
It's the truth
It's actual
Everything is satisfactual

Wonderful feeling
Wonderful day

Oh yeah



Mister bluebird on my shoulder
It's the truth
It's actual
Everything is satisfactual
Everything is satisfactual
Everything is satisfactual

My oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine heading my way

Wonderful feeling
What a wonderful day
Wonderful feeling
What a wonderful day
Wonderful feeling
What a wonderful day
Wonderful feeling
What a wonderful day
Wonderful feeling (zip-a-dee-doo-dah)
What a wonderful day
Wonderful feeling (zip-a-dee-doo-dah)
What a wonderful day
Wonderful feeling (zip-a-dee-doo-dah)
What a wonderful day

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Aly and Aj - Tears

Aly and Aj - Tears

(sorry sarah but I kinda like this song ^^ besides I feel like this song)

Big tears fall down like puddles
When something cuts it bleeds
Big storms leave towns in rubbles
Shore just recedes

Take some time to secure
A stream of water to occur
But crying is a way to know
Your tears will help you learn and grow
So better off to let it flow
Stains on cheeks will come to know

Heartaches and hopes for healing
Through the raining of your tears
You'll learn the pain you're feeling

Take some time to secure
A stream of water to occur
But crying is a way to know
Your tears will help you learn and grow
So better off to let it flow
Stains on cheeks will come to know

Tears [7x]
Tears [7x]

There may not be more than one of you
Appearing to be by your side
But if the ones you still love are here
To fight against time

Take some time to secure
A stream of water to occur
But crying is a way to know
Your tears will help you learn and grow
So better off to let it flow
Stains on cheeks will come to know

Tears [7x]
Tears [7x]

Friendship Day !!!!

Happy friendship day everybody ^^
If you guys want to know what on eart I'm talking about , just so you know , the 1st of august is friendship day ....

SO BE HAPPY (even though I'm not ^^)