Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Librarians that I know and Love

Yup ...
I'm now officially a Librarian (since I'm such a lazy butt I'll just call it a Liby for Librarian)

Today is Tuesday , but its a holiday so I usually think of what I would do at school and at this case being a Liby. well actually , all of us Form 3 students are suppose to stay at home and study but Me and Hippie are at the library cuz' were kinda (ehem...) lazy to stay home and study ....

in the library , so far I've known 4 form 4 students ...

Kak Eleena:
she is one funny and crazy form 4 . She is really outgoing and sporting . I love being friends with her ... she is one of the first liby that I know and love ...
hi hi hi ^^

kak Fateen:
She is really beautiful , I'll tell you that ! ! !
she loves to read novels and is really sweet , kind and just friendly. even if she is bit quiet...

ahhh.... Thaqif , he is one funny dude ...
don't have much to tell about him though ....
but all I know is that he can be pretty strict and quiet ...
either way I still like being friends with him though....
oh and he is Tariq's twin

he is really funny !!
and really friendly and outgoing ....
to tell you the truth , I don't really know what to write about him...
sorry Boss if your reading this ...
(I don't expect you too)

So in a Nutshell , I still love being friends with them each with their own unique personality and style ^^
oh well , duty awaits ^^...

P/s : since I've just met them I don't really know them that well , this is my first impression of them ... hope you guys aren't mad at me or anything :(