Friday, August 21, 2009

Last day for ....

It was the last day of the semester and also the last day of syaa'ban . I was really bored in class , not that Hippie (maisarah) was boring and all , It's mostly because well , do you notice that me and Hippie , never ran out of things to say , well , we did ran out of things to say and we were both really quiet ... then we decided to play a game called truth (used to be called truth or dare but since everyone kept choosing truth so...) we spin a pencil and the 'lucky' participant will get the opportunity to be asked any questions and we have to answer it truthfully . I played that game with Hippie , Nurin and Anis . the questions they ask is soo hard , not the average , "who do you like" questions ..... well what do you expect from two N.Gs (naturally geniuses).

after that we got ready to go home . i met up with Faie and Eleena . Faie offered to give me a ride home so I accepted (obviously !) but I don't know where or why or how , I suddenly got a sudden burst of energy and shouted goodbye and happy 'Puasa' to everyone I know including the Seniors who I don't even know their names !!!! I was waiting outside gate B and since most students I know went through that gate It wasn't long before I was out of breath . I was smiling like a lunatic and my face was as red as a tomato with all the excitement (and the sun was shining down on us so ... yeah) ... I don't even know how or why , can't be because the holidays are coming , cuz' I hate holidays ! oh well at least no one looked at me like a totall FREAK , but some did smile and looked at me as if I've lost my mind ...

Wow , I'm so Weired ^^
oh well my weirdness is what makes me unique ^^