Wednesday, June 17, 2009

...Noting to do *sigh*

I feel terrible today ..... and don't ask me why .... cause i don't know .... *sigh*

but when i look at my friends .... I don't know ,
They are much smarter and better the I am and I don't know why they want to waste their time hanging out wit someone as Stooopid as I am :(

Look at Sarah she is sooo calm and cool and also she doesn't care about anything (that includes studying). I know that that is not such a good thing but I envy her calmness in every situation . and she is pretty funny too . She is also very smart and know a bit about everything . If there is 3 people I can nominate as Scientists because of knowing lots of facts It would be Sarah , my 11 year old little brother and Firdaus .... All of them are soooooo .... uh .... FACT-tastic ^^.

Faie , She is the smartest among all of my best friends . Of course there are lots of others who are smarter the she is but The thing about her that i envy is that she will always want to make the best about things ... she is always optimistic and ready with a word or two to cheer you up ,(if she knows your sad that is) . I also envy her will to make her self better also cause she will always try to listen to any one's problems ... even If she doesn't understand anything .

Maisarah , well I know she looks like someone who is always moody , but she has a good heart and well.... I don't know What I will do without her .... She knows when I'm lying that I'm just fine or when I feel like killing someone . But at the end of the day she will always manege to make me laugh someway or the other . She is also very smart at guessing what other people is feeling (I mean their facial expression) mostly because she is always quite and observing people all the time . I used to be like that when I was in primary school but then I met Farhana (a friend of mine who is in Batu Pahat).

I know Your gonna be surprised If I mentioned the next person who i envy .... Want to know who ? well If you must know ..... It's Izzati . I don't know , Izzati Is a good friend . She likes to talk alot (but I don't really mind because I love to hear people talking to me) but that's not It , the thing envy about her is another surprise.... Her art ... I know I don't know why (other then the fact that I like everyone art ) but Izzati unlike me has a really rough hand . Whenever she draws , It will look the same and really .... I can't seem to find the word but you get my point . and Now finally , her drawings have improved .... ALOT !!! Its wayyyyyy more cuter then It was before . She manage to soften up her hand to draw . She has told me that she wanted to stop drawing may times but can't ..... and I hope you won't because i like your Not giving up attitude and always practising .... now I wish that I was you.

There is also Aisyah's Gang (Frida , Cik Elli and Aisyah) Cik is quite small but really cute . she is Great with everybody and like to smile alot and make funny expressions . Frida is the medium type . She is a fan of MCR (just like me , a bit ) and Guitar Hero . The only girl and the second youngest in her family , (I think ...) Likes to make stupid jokes .

lastly Aisyah (3 Ter) She likes to draw (like me) and Is a big fan of Japanese music . I like her Drawing is because , every one of her character has a personality . It means she knows how to draw to make her drawings look full of characteristics and emotions even If they don't show it . (she likes to draw smiling pictures , even if the picture is trying to kill her self which is really creepy). I like Aisyah's view in art . "Its the way people imagine things around them and trying to express them through a paper , It may not look exactly like what they imagined sometimes but that what practising is for and since art is subjective you can draw 4 fingers on a character if you want to , Heck draw 10 fingers on each hand if you can lah and still people can't tell you that your wrong" well no wonder because other then to the people who she is really close to , Aisyah is one of the quite type , the opposite of both Cik Elli and Frida .

The point I'm trying to mention is that , all there if those lovely girls is that all of them doesn't really care about what other people thinks about them and is really confident about doing something .

This last one is really really surprising that I'm sure you would faint If you read this ....

I really really Envy ......... Firdaus .
I'm pretty sure your wondering why considering that I'm always angry at the dude . well , Even If he is annoying , stubborn and really , really , really BIG pain in the Head but to tell you the truth is that I'm really jealous of him , He is OVERLY talented in drawing , He can draw serious cartoons to really really cute ones to anime based cartoons ... He Is really a talented artist even if he likes to point out your weaknesses and really sarcastic . He also has a very high pain tolerance considering what he is going through . And to top It all off , he has the same interest about Facts like Sarah and Wasseef . He also likes to find out people's secrets well , That's okay I guess considering that I myself Can't hear the word secret or else i will go berserk ^^ . I know that he Is annoying and has a head as hard as a Rock but hey , So am I .

I'm not sure how many people maneged to finish reading this but well Some of the facts here is based on what I think if the person and may not be even 5o% accurate ...

Thank YOU ^^


FiR DeChucky said...

what in the... HELLo...! what was in your mind...?!! huh?!! since when i be your bestfriend? FYI, this is the first time i speak to you after a month! can you still said that i'm your bestfriend? ohhh... i'm touching... but i still with my decision, i wont talk to you.

Sunshine said...

both of you are like having a lover's quarrel!hahaha...

大神 ( Ōkami ) said...

WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need a barf bag .....

大神 ( Ōkami ) said...

dude ....
who says anything about best friends ???

I'm just writing about the poeple that I Envy ....

Who says anything about you being MY best friend ?????