Friday, June 26, 2009

THE DAY !!!!!

I don't know why I'm sooooo nervous that I wanted to pee .......
I shouldn't......say that.......out loud should I ????
But I'm serious when I say that !!!!!!!
Last night , I slept at 11pm and woke up at around 3am and can't sleep after that ....

I got ready then went to school .AAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH I'm was ssooooooo annoyed , I was busy getting all the stuff into my bag but my parents are busy sleeping . When I woke them up they just blinked and said that "why can't you worry about your upcoming PMR instead of this stupid event ? if you keep on being like this I won't allow you to go at all then you know" They just don't understand . This is one event that ..... I don't know me and my Friends work so hard without a teachers help , for the first time ..... Parents just don't understand ........

anyway where were I ???? oh yeah .
When I arrived at school , Hippie and Qis was already there . Well a few steps in front of me that is but still..... then we Yasmin came and all of us started making phone calls , after a few people arrived All of us went to our class despite being told to stay at the assembly hall . After a while , Yasmin started to do Syairah's hair ...... Suddenly firdaus barged in ...... good thing I didn't take off my Hijab (head scarf) . then we asked the boys to go out before Changing into our costumes .


I was really nervous that instead of talking like lightning , I walked like lightning ........ oh well , what's done is done ^^ . The bad side is My Best friend had a wedding but I wasn’t there to witness her most memorable day with her groom . oh well , I congratulated her and promised to come to their hose as soon as there is one ...... Then my brother showed up ... and the rest is history ...... Here are some pics .... enjoy ^^